
nanikana travel: You can have a cottage in Hawaii!!


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You can have a cottage in Hawaii!!

As you know, Hawaii is very popular among Japanese people. If you go to Hawaii, you can meet Japanese people everywhere such as at shopping mall, streets and stores and of course at the beach. So, now some company are taking action to people who love Hawaii. There’re many hotels in Honolulu, the state capital of Hawaii, and a new types of hotel will be built soon. This hotel is different from conventional one, it is a “Time Share” hotel. I’ll explain something about this system.

In KoOlina, the west coast of Oahu, there’s “Time Share” hotels which are kept by Marriott group. I’ll talk about this hotel’s “Time Share” systems and there’re a lot of profits.

Firstly, basically, you can use the hotel during a week in a year. There’re two ways of renting the hotel. One is you can rent same week every year, another is you make a reservation and you rent. But you need to reserve at least a year before.

Secondly, you can have a possessive right. It means you can exploit the hotel as a property and hand over to your child. So your family can use the hotel forever. Thirdly, you can stay any Marriott hotels in the world by utilizing point exchange system, also you can swap for a plane ticket.

These are part of the “Time Share” system of Marriott group hotel at KoOlina. I think the system is different from each hotel and there’re some conditions to become an owner, especially about money.

Lastly, while I introduced three benefits of “Time Share”, the best benefits for me is that at a maximum eight people can stay in a large room and the beach is in front of the hotel. You can swim whenever you want!!

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